Simple utility for quickly generating Pathfinder 1e dragons.
Available macOS & iOS.
Written using SwiftUI.
Main Window


What it does
The app generates a dragon with correct modifications based on selected feats.
Simply pick a dragon type, its age category and pick feats. The stats will automatically update.
Each dragon type preserves its current stats. Swapping from one dragon type to another and swapping back
will result in the same stats.
Feats are only visible if the dragon has the prerequisites. Selecting a feat will automatically update the stats.
Not every feat is present. I only included those that seem sensical for Dragons.
The dragon will be saved as an RTF file.
For iOS, the file should be visible in the Files application.
For macOS, a save dialog will appear. Selection location and then save.
The dragon will be copied to the clipboard in the RTF format.
Some dragon special abilities are not implemented correctly (Silver Dragon Graceful Flight).
Some feats are do not update the dragon stats.