SpellList is a utility app which lists spells from the Pathfinder® RPG with a semi-natural language filter.
Android version help page is here.
Note. SpellList is in the process of being rewritten ground-up. It will include a "sensible" random spell generator.
Main Window

Not so obvious
Bottom text field is where you enter the filter queries to filter down the spells listed.
When the query is typed in, the text will be one of three colours :
- red : syntax error or invalid attributes, verbs or fields.
- blue : bracer mismatch.
- black : valid.
The app will quit if the window is closed.

Not so obvious
- Top text field is where you enter the filter queries to filter down the spells listed.
- When the query is typed in, the text will be one of three colours :
- red : syntax error or invalid attributes, verbs or fields.
- blue : bracer mismatch.
- black : valid.
- 'and', 'or' will add " and" and " or" to the search bar.
- '< Last Word' will delete the last word in the query.
- Left-hand pane : list of attributes with common verbs. Pressing 'add' will add the visible phrase selected in the picker to the search bar. The phrase is not fully complete, you still need to type in the desired attributes.
- Right-hand pane : list of query phrases which are simply 'is', 'is not', 'has' or 'has not'. Select field > select attribute > set 'Is/Is Not' switch and the press 'Add'.
Print Window

Not so obvious
- text in-between [ & ] are monster attributes (see 3a below for details). Unrecognised attributes are ignored.
- right hand view is the preview view. Clicking 'Preview' will output what is in the top-left view. The size of the view is equal to the current paper size in print settings.
- 'Copy' will copy the output to the clipboard.

Not so obvious
- Wheel picker on top-left are saved formatters. - Save will bring up a text field to enter name of formatter. Return to save, touch anywhere else to not.
- Load will overwrite top-right editor with the save formatter.
- Delete will delete the currently picked formatter. This cannot be reversed.
- Center strip with blue text buttons are the placeholders. Push them to enter the [attribute] into the editor.
The up & down arrows will scroll through the other attributes. The strip can be scrolled horizontally if the screen is too narrow.
Print Formatting
Text will be printed verbatim except for the following placeholders. All placeholders must be enclosed by [ ].
[0] | [ |
[1] | ] |
[B] | Toggle bold |
[U] | Toggle underline |
[I] | Toggle italic |
[#RRGGBB] | Colour. Hexadecimal. |
[< name >] | Preset colour: BLACK, RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW, MAGENTA, CYAN |
[Font:< name >(;< size >)] | Font name spelling must be exact. Use 'default' for user selected default. Use 'system' for system font. Size is optional. If not present, it is assumed to be 12. |
Important : not all fonts support bold and/or italic. Wikipedia Font List.
Attribute | Text | |
Name | NM, NAME | will print spell's name |
School | SCH | will print three character shorthand for school |
SCHL | will print normal length word for school | |
Subschool | SS, SUBS | will print spell's subschool if it has one |
Classes | CLS, CLASS | will print spell's classes in the form of 'class X' with '/' as separator |
Level for class | LVL_XXX | will print level if class exists, otherwise nothing |
where XXX is one of 'SOR', 'WIZ', 'CLR', 'DRD', 'RGR', 'BRD', 'PAL', 'ALC', 'SMN', 'WIT', 'INQ', 'ORC', 'APL', 'MAG', 'ADP', 'BRG', 'SHM', 'PSY', 'MED', 'MES', 'OCC', 'SPR'. | ||
Spell-like Ability Level | SLA | will print SLA level if it exists |
Components | COMP | will print single letter separated list of spell components |
COMPS | will print full word, separated list of spell components | |
X | will print single letter of component X if it exists | |
where X is one of V,S,M,F,DF | ||
Spell Resistance | SR | will print 'yes' if it SR is allowed |
SR_NO | will print 'no' if SR is not allowed | |
SR_HRM | will print 'harmless' if SR has harmless component | |
SR_OBJ | will print 'object' if SR has object component | |
Saving Throw | STF | will print 'fort' if ST has fort save |
STR | will print 'ref' if ST has reflex save | |
STW | will print 'will' if ST has will save | |
ST- | will print 'neg' if ST has negates component | |
STP | will print 'partial' if ST has partial component | |
STH | will print 'half' if ST has half component | |
STN | will print 'none' if ST has none component | |
STS | will print 'harmless' if ST has harmless component | |
STO | will print 'object' if ST has object component | |
Casting Time | CT | will print 'immed', 'swift', 'std act', 'X rd', 'full rd', 'X mins', 'X hrs', 'X days' or 'other' |
CTIME | will print 'immediate', 'swift', 'standard action', 'X rounds', 'full round', 'X minutes', 'X hours', 'X days' or 'other' | |
Range | RGE | will print '--', 'personal', 'touch', 'close', 'medium', 'long', 'X feet', 'x yards' or other |
Domains | DMN | will print list of comma separated strings. |
DMNS | will print list of space separated strings. | |
Bloodlines | BLD | will print list of comma separated strings. |
BLDL | will print list of space separated strings. | |
Mythic | MYT | will print 'yes' or 'no' if spell is mythic |
MYTHIC | will print 'mythic' if it is | |
Costly Components | CC | will print 'yes' or 'no' if spell has costly components |
Shapeable | SHP | will print 'yes' or 'no' if spell is shapeable |
SHAPE | will print 'shapeable' if it is | |
Material Costs | MATG | will print gold cost as 'XXg' |
MATS | will print gold cost as 'XX' | |
Source Book | SRC | will print spell's source book |
Descriptors | DESC | will print 'AC', 'AR', 'CH', 'CD', 'DK', 'DT', 'EA', 'EL', 'EV', 'FR', 'FI', 'FO', 'GD', 'LG', 'LW', 'LT', 'MD', 'PN', 'SW', 'SN', 'WT', 'CU', 'DI', 'EM', 'PO' for each descriptor that exists separated by commas. |
DESCF | will print 'acid', 'air', 'chaotic', 'cold', 'darkness', 'death', 'earth', 'elec', 'evil', 'fear', 'fire', 'force', 'good', 'lang', 'lawful', 'light', 'mind', 'pain', 'shadow', 'sonic', 'water', 'curse', 'disease', 'emotion', 'poison' for each descriptor that exists separated by commas | |
XXF | will print print the full length word for 'XX' if it exists | |
XX is one of the two-letter codes above | ||
Description | BLAB | will print spell's html source text. Inadvisable as it can be long |
Filter Query
A filter query is one or more of queries separated by 'and' or 'or'. Queries can be enclosed or nested inside ( ).
Two query formats:
Example: (Q1 and (Q4 or Q2)) or Q3
Query verbs must be typed in as below, with no extra spaces in-between. Each field uses a subset of the verbs below. See below for specifics.
Prefix Verbs
is not
does not have
is one of / is not one of
is between / is not between
is less than / is <
is greater than / is >
contains / does not contain
begins with / ends with
is equal to / is not equal to
is / is not
has one of / does not have one of
has / does not have
Fields are all lower case (except for 'SLA_Level'). Currently they must be spelt as shown.
Full list :
- name
- school
- subschool
- descriptor
- casting_time
- range
- saving_throw
- spell_resistence
- verbal
- somatic
- material
- focus
- divine_focus
- sor
- wiz
- cleric
- druid
- ranger
- bard
- paladin
- alchemist
- summoner
- witch
- inquisitor
- oracle
- antipaladin
- magus
- adept
- SLA_Level
- acid
- air
- chaotic
- cold
- curse
- darkness
- death
- disease
- earth
- electricity
- emotion
- evil
- fear
- fire
- force
- good
- language_dependent
- lawful
- light
- mind_affecting
- pain
- poison
- shadow
- sonic
- water
- id
- bloodrager
- shaman
- psychic
- medium
- mesmerist
- occultist
- spiritualist
- source
- material_costs
- bloodline
- mythic
- domain
- spell_level
- components
- costly_components
- duration
- dismissible
- shapeable
name is equal to ATTR
, is not equal to ATTR
, contains ATTR
, does not contain ATTR
, begins with, ends with ATTR
is any alphanumeric string of characters. Comparison is case insensitive.
school is (one of) ATTR
, is not (one of) ATTR
is one of
abjuration | abj | |
conjuration | cnj | |
divination | div | |
enchantment | enc | |
evocation | evo | |
illusion | ill | |
necromancy | nec | necromantic |
transmutation | tra | trn |
universal | uni | unv |
subschool exists, is (one of) ATTR
, is not (one of) ATTR
is one of
- calling
- creation
- healing
- summoning
- teleportation
- scrying
- scry
- charm
- compulsion
- figment
- glamer
- glamour
- pattern
- phantasm
- shadow
- polymorph
- poly
descriptor exists, is (one of) ATTR
, is not (one of) ATTR
is one of
- acid
- air
- chaotic
- cold
- curse
- darkness
- death
- disease
- earth
- electricity
- emotion
- evil
- fear
- fire
- force
- good
- language_dependent
- lawful
- light
- mind_affecting
- pain
- posion
- shadow
- sonic
- water
Example : descriptor is not one of evil, good, lawful, chaotic
casting_time is (not) ATTR
is one of
- std act
- standard action
- immed
- immediate
- swift
- round
- rd
- full round
- min
- mins
- minute
- minutes
- hr
- hrs
- hour
- hours
- day
- days
Rounds, minutes, hours and days can have an integer number preceding it. e.g. 2 rds, 5 minutes.
Example : casting_time is 3 mins
components has (one of) ATTR
, …), does not have (one of) ATTR
, …)
is one of 'V', 'Verbal', 'S', 'Somatic', 'M', 'Material', 'F', 'Focus', 'DF', 'Divine Focus'
costly_components prefix: has costly_components, does not have costly_components
range is (not) ATTR
is one of 'personal', 'touch', 'close', 'medium', 'long', 'feet', 'yard', 'yards'.
'feet' and 'yards' require a value preceding them or the query will evaluate to false.
Example : range is 10 feet
dismissible prefix : is (not) dismissible
shapeable prefix : is (not) shapeable
saving_throw has (one of) ATTR
, …); does not have (one of) ATTR
, …)
prefix : has saving_throw, does not have saving_throw
is one of 'fort', 'fortitude', 'ref', 'reflex', 'will', 'negates', 'neg', 'partial', 'half', 'none', 'harmless', 'object'
Example : saving_throw has one of fort,ref,half
spell_resistence has (one of) ATTR
, …); does not have (one of) ATTR
, …)
prefix : has spell_resistence, does not have spell_resistence
is one of 'yes', 'no', 'none', 'harmless', 'object'
Example : spell_resistence does not have harmless
source is (one of) ATTR
, is not (one of) ATTR
is one of
ap29 | AP 29 |
ap30 | AP 30 |
ap35 | AP 35 |
ap42 | AP 42 |
ap50 | AP 50 |
ap55 | AP 55 |
ap56 | AP 56 |
ap62 | AP 62 |
ap64 | AP 64 |
ap65 | AP 65 |
ap67 | AP 67 |
ap68 | AP 68 |
ap69 | AP 69 |
ap71 | AP 71 |
ap74 | AP 74 |
ap77 | AP 77 |
ap78 | AP 78 |
ap80 | AP 80 |
ap81 | AP 81 |
ap82 | AP 82 |
ap84 | AP 84 |
ap86 | AP 86 |
ap89 | AP 89 |
ap91 | AP 91 |
ap93 | AP 93 |
ap95 | AP 95 |
apg | APG |
acg | Advanced Class Guide |
aco | Advanced Class Origins |
arg | Advanced Race Guide |
and | Andoran |
aa | Animal Archive |
boe | Blood Of The Elements |
botm | Blood Of The Moon |
botn | Blood Of The Night |
botd1 | Book of the Dammed V1 |
botd2 | Book of the Damned V2 |
cob | Champions Of Balance |
coc | Champions Of Corruption |
cop | Champions Of Purity |
ceod | Cheliax Empire Of Devils |
cotr | Chronicle Of The Righteous |
ct | Classic Treasures |
c&c | Cohorts & Companions |
cc | Condition Cards |
dhh | Demon Hunters Handbook |
dr | Demons Revisited |
dtt | Dirty Tactics Toolbox |
dep | Dragon Empires Primer |
drh | Dragonslayers Handbook |
duh | Dungeoneers Handbook |
dog | Dungeons Of Golarion |
dwog | Dwarves of Golarion |
fg | Faction Guide |
f&p | Faiths & Philosophies |
foc | Faiths Of Corruption |
fop | Faiths Of Purity |
ff | Familiar Folio |
ghh | Giant Hunters Handbook |
gno | Gnomes |
gog | Goblins Of Golarion |
hots | Heroes Of The Streets |
hotw | Heroes Of The Wild |
hoth | Horsemen Of The Apocalypse |
hog | Humans Of Golarion |
isg | Inner Sea Gods |
ism | Inner Sea Magic |
ismc | Inner Sea Monster Codex |
iswg | Inner Sea World Guide |
kotis | Knights Of The Inner Sea |
kog | Kobolds Of Golarion |
lk | Lost Kingdoms |
mm | Magical Marketplace |
mtt | Melee Tactics Toolbox |
mc | Monster Codex |
msh | Monster Summoners Handbook |
ma | Mythic Adventures |
mo | Mythic Origins |
oa | Occult Adventures |
ob | Occult Bestiary |
om | Occult Mysteries |
oog | Orcs of Golarion |
olop | Osirion, Legacy Of Pharaohs |
core | PFRPG Core |
pfrpg | PFRPG Core |
pfs | PFS S3-09 |
paizo | Paizo Blog |
psfg | Pathfinder Society Field Guide |
psp | Pathfinder Society Primer |
potn | People Of The North |
potr | People Of The River |
potsd | People Of The Sands |
potsr | People Of The Stars |
potis | Pirates Of The Inner Sea |
q&c | Quests and Campaigns |
rtt | Ranged Tactics Toolbox |
rg | Rival Guide |
rotrl | RotRL-AE-Appendix |
sarg | Sargava |
tg | Technology Guide |
tdd | The Dragons Demand |
thh | The HarrowHandbook |
uc | Ultimate Combat |
um | Ultimate Magic |
ush | Undead Slayers Handbook |
verbal prefix : has verbal, does not have verbal
somatic prefix : has somatic, does not have somatic
material prefix : has material, does not have material
focus prefix : has focus, does not have focus
divine_focus prefix : has divine_focus, does not have divine_focus
SLA_Level is (not) N, is (not) between N-M, is less than N, is greater than N
N & M are a spell level (whole number). M must be greater than N.
Example : SLA_Level is between 1-3
domain is (not) ATTR
, is (not) one of ATTR
prefix : has domain, does not have domain
is one of
- luck
- tactics
- air
- chaos
- evil
- good
- law
- home
- ambush
- arcane
- scalykind
- animal
- death
- souls
- plant
- artifice
- magic
- protection
- wards
- travel
- purity
- fate
- curse
- defense
- fur
- saurian
- war
- community
- leadership
- resolve
- divine
- glory
- seasons
- radiation
- darkness
- liberation
- restoration
- healing
- rage
- strength
- ferocity
- fire
- catastrophe
- weather
- storms
- charm
- family
- daemon
- devil
- toil
- inevitable
- nobility
- knowledge
- language
- water
- lust
- madness
- trickery
- protean
- decay
- day
- light
- repose
- ash
- destruction
- archon
- demon
- earth
- sun
- loss
- undead
- growth
- love
- revolution
- rune
- thievery
- azata
- exploration
- feather
- trade
- dragon
- ice
- ancestors
- honor
- metal
- heroism
- blood
- murder
- construct
- thought
- deception
- memory
- night
- nightmare
- agathion
- freedom
- smoke
- resurrection
- martyr
- trap
- cloud
- oceans
- wind
id is (not) N, is (not) between N-M, is less than N, is greater than N
N & M are a spell level (whole number). M must be greater than N.
NOTE : id is the spell database internal ID. It is not an attribute of any spell.
material_costs prefix : has material_costs, does not have material_costs
bloodline is (not) ATTR
, is (not) one of ATTR
prefix : has bloodline, does not have bloodline
is one of
- destined
- kobold_sorcerer
- undead
- verdant
- dreamspun
- celestial
- aquatic
- accursed
- aberrant
- starsoul
- abyssal
- orc
- elemental
- djinni
- stormborn
- rakshasa
- pestilence
- infernal
- oni
- imperious
- boreal
- deep_Earth
- shadow
- fey
- serpentine
- arcane
- maestro
- marid
- martyred
- efreeti
- draconic
mythic prefix : has mythic, does not have mythic
CHAR_CLASS level is (not) N, level is (not) between N-M, level is less than N, level is greater than N
N & M are a spell level (whole number). M must be greater than N.
prefix : is (not) CHAR_CLASS
CHAR_CLASS is one of
- sor
- wiz
- cleric
- druid
- ranger
- bard
- paladin
- alchemist
- summoner
- witch
- inquisitor
- oracle
- antipaladin
- magus
- adept
- bloodrager
- shaman
- psychic
- medium
- mesmerist
- occultist
- spiritualist
Example :
sor level is between 1-3
is cleric
DESCRIPTOR prefix : has DESCRIPTOR, does not have DESCRIPTOR
DESCRIPTOR is one of
- acid
- air
- chaotic
- cold
- curse
- darkness
- death
- disease
- earth
- electricity
- emotion
- evil
- fear
- fire
- force
- good
- language_dependent
- lawful
- light
- mind_affecting
- pain
- posion
- shadow
- sonic
- water